
What Made People Go to NZ?

New Zealand is composed of a lot of different ethnic group. How did they come from? For what?

Most people came to New Zealand from Britain. They had little chance to become rich in their country, so they came to New Zealand for self-betterment.

Their voyage took about 4 months or more depending on the weather. It was very hard, and there were not enough foods and fresh water in the ship. It was very uncomfortable to be in the ship, and illness spread rapidly through the ship, which caused many children's death.

Gold rush is another reason that many people started to settle in New Zealand, especially gold rush attracted many Chinese to settle in New Zealand.


Introduction to New Zealand

As you know, New Zealand is located in southern hemisphere, and made up of several different ethnic groups. Majority is European, and the others are Asian, Polynesian, African, Maori, etc. Maori is native settler, whose culture is distinctive.

The climate of New Zealand is warm, and there are a lot of activities to do in New Zealand, such as scuba diving, bungee jumping, and sailing.